Hello! Welcome to my Website.

Hey, my name is Anaethereal and this is my ANASTENATOPIA. By now you are probably wondering what most of these words mean and why some strange person is telling you this but it will all become obvious quite soon.

Who am I?

Well... is anyone ever really sure of this? I'll just tell you the basics. I produce music, dabble in philosophy and politics, and I am quite fond of programming.

What do these words mean?

Glad you asked! The word anaethereal (also spelled as anethereal) means not ethereal as in not too perfect for this world. ANASTENATOPIA comes from the word anastenaria, the ancient Greek and Bulgarian tradition of fire-walking and dancing which lasts for 3 days. The -topia part of the word signifies a place for anastenaria.
Essentially this all boils down to us being not too perfect for this world just left to walk the flames and have a good time. Maybe that's just what we are meant to do here. Maybe this is where the philosophy part comes in? Pretty cool.

What is with all the moon imagery?

Well I guess I just like the moon and the stars and all that. Really opens up your imagination and wonder just staring up there. Whether you are out there staring with others or just staring alone, you don't feel quite so alone looking up at our shared sky. Whether you are from India, Norway, Brazil, or anywhere really, it's just one factor that brings us all together.
Anyways, I spent 2 hours adding this one very specific feature so I might as well tell you about it. All the moon emojis you see around the site are actually phase accurate! Well at least for those in the Northern Hemisphere, but I will make it better! Just you wait. Also you have definitely noticed the cursor by now. I didn't make the cursor effect, nor did I actually make the moon phase js plugin (only tweaked it to be browser compatible) but I did put it all together into a website. With the collective work of everyone, we can make something great. We just gotta stick together first.

The End? (for now)

Well, I guess I said as much as I wanted to say for right now (April 1st, 2024). Oh and before I forget, I created this site on March 31st, 2024 (just in case I'll ever need to celebrate an anniversary).
Well, thank you for listening. I mean there's not much I really can end on. Thanks so much for visiting! Maybe with this small glimpse into my life we will all be a little bit closer? I just hope so.

Goodnight, dreamers.


Upcoming changes??

  • Add a sidebar or navbar - Somewhat done???
  • Heart counter (users can click on heart and the amount is saved server-side)
  • Shooting stars in the background!
  • Other pages lmfao - Done.
  • Blog maybe - Done sort of. I got the foundation down.
  • Mobile Compatibility - Now semi-compatible!