A start.

Welcome dreamers!

I haven't ever written an article before on this website, but I suppose it is about time. I am still figuring out exactly what tone I want this website to be in. I might as well keep the same tone I kept throughout the website already, but this is hard especially when a lot of the material I might wish to cover won't fit it.
What would be a better way to break the ice than to just write?

The plan.

Every good thing starts with a plan. Or is it every finished thing? Probably both. Well I might as well just create a plan then.
How about I just list out ideas that I could write about?
I could write about:

  • Philosophy
  • Politics
  • Astronomy?
  • Current Events
  • Myself?
  • Whatever interesting thing I come across

Current plan: Write more in the morning!

I lied.

Well, I did lie. I said I would write more in the morning, but now it is currently 8 PM (at least it is still April 3rd). Soon there will be an eclipse! That's cool. Sadly I am not in the path of said eclipse. I definitely wish I was but I (think) saw an eclipse before (I think, as I am not entirely sure due to my memory being such a fragmented mess). I didn't do much today, really just lazed around and sat in my bed most of the day.
I wish I did something more productive but there is nothing I can do about it now can I?

The end is nigh.

To my vacation that is (not excluding other things). Tomorrow my vacation will be over and I will go back home and laze some more for the rest of my (less luxurious) vacation. I wouldn't say I didn't enjoy my vacation but I wouldn't say I exactly enjoyed it either. It was very... hollow? I didn't really do much of anything (which I now regret as there was certainly things to do). I could have went spelunking or just went around town but I didn't.
I shouldn't dwell on the past as it's really not productive but something about it is just so... alluring. Maybe people just like being sad and moping around in some sort of masochistic way? Maybe the feeling just makes us feel whole or understood in some sense. Maybe it just gives us some validity in some sort of backwards way?
Either way I have no place to go but go forwards, and you do too.

Current events and why?

Current events is almost always a depressing subject. Why can't we just hear news about cancer cures and remarkable feats of human ingenuity more often? Well it's probably because depressing news just sells more. I mean, it just hooks your attention better. In the world of today, attention is damn near a second currency.
Things that make you mad or make you sad are generally more focused on by the human brain. I mean, it's just wired that way. It makes sense too, as it can attune you both physical dangers and social dangers. Social dangers as in: the situations requiring emotional and social awareness to navigate through to allow you to stay in your tribe. As a social species, it is a beneficial adaptation to be attuned in this fashion as you will be able to benefit more from your social group and be able to stay within it (without pissing everyone else off and being alienated).
However, even within these current events of doom and gloom there is certainly one threat that I would personally keep my eyes on:

HPAI: Pathogen X.

HPAI. Avian influenza. Bird flu.
More technically called: HPAI A(H5N1) as in highly pathogenic avian influenza virus of type A of subtype H5N1 (such a mouthful). I personally don't see much about it on the news (though I admit, I don't watch much of any mainstream news) so I thought I might as well talk about it here. It is highly zoonotic (able to spread freely cross-species), highly contagious, epizootic (endemic in natural populations of animals), and highly fatal (with an estimated 30%-50% mortality rate [which when compared to COVID-19's mortality rate of ~2% is frankly horrifying]).
Just keep an eye on it for now, and if news comes out about it spreading from human to human be prepared.


Now that that's all out of the way, I don't really know how to close this article. I talked about what I wanted to for now, I wrote a decent amount (sort of) but I promise I will write more. As for article 00, this should be good enough of an introduction to this site's articles as for how I will write them for right now. I know! I'll just talk about music!
Duster is a good band and you should listen to them, hyperpop is good at 1am, listen to 100 gecs in moderation, and have a good rest to your day (or night). Goodnight, dreamers.